Dimension: 41*20*36 mm
Weight: 37.2g
Stall torque: 4.1kg/cm (6v)
Operating speed: 0.23sec/60°(4.8v)
Operating voltage: 4.8-6V
This servo is like the S3003 Standard Servo.
This basic servo is used in cars, boats, or where standard servos are used.
Comes with a selection of servo arms/discs & mounting screws.
Weight: 37.2g
Stall torque: 4.1kg/cm (6v)
Operating speed: 0.23sec/60°(4.8v)
Operating voltage: 4.8-6V
This servo is like the S3003 Standard Servo.
This basic servo is used in cars, boats, or where standard servos are used.
Comes with a selection of servo arms/discs & mounting screws.