MAVLink-OSD is an Arduino based project and it is fully compatible with original MinimOSD.
This board can be used for all APM/PX4/PIXHAWK/Multwii/CLEANFLIGHT/OPENPILOT.
MAVLink-OSD with switching DC/DC stepdown powersupply to maximize efficiency on power system. No more heating probrem when using this OSD board. It can be only use two way power source.
MAVLink-OSD supported 3DRobotics original/ MinimOSD-Extra / rush-osd-development / minoposd /MWOSD firmware.
Used for Multiwii with rush-osd-development firmware, four solder pads on the bottom side provide RSSI/voltage/current detetion.
Schematics https://code.google.com/p/rush-osd-development/wiki/Hardware_Mods
Pad1: RSSI from receiver
Pad2: Video voltage
Pad3: Current sensor
Pad4: Main voltage
Using CC3D with minoposd firmware, Pad5/Pad6 used for voltage/current detetion.
Default firmware is 3DR original.
How to setup hardware (original Wiki):
MinimOSD-Extra firmware:
rush-osd-development firmware:
MW OSD firmware
MinopOSD firmware:
Hardware Features:
•ATMEGA328P Microcontroller
•Absolutely original MAXIM MAX7456-EUI monochrome on-screen display
•5V/1.2A DC/DC STEP-DOWN Converter for MAX7456-EUI
•Operating voltage: 5V(FTDI connector) and 6~24V(Video I/O connector)
•Supported NTSC & PAL
•FTDI connector
•Dimension: 19mm x 39mm(no include connector)
•Weight: 5g/6g (include cable)
Package content
•MAVLink-OSD x 1
•UART 4Pin cable 150mm x1
Package content
·MAVLink-OSD x 1
·UART 4Pin cable 150mm x1